Clamshell: 2020-05-24

Recent news in tech in a clamshell

Including 25th Birthday of Java, Windows Terminal, Unreal Engine 5 and more.

Java is 25 years old!

Check out the Moved by Java campaign and these hashtags: #Java25, #MovedbyJava.
Also, check out, it is a collection of curated content produced by the Java Platform Group at Oracle and here’s an article from Brian: Java turns 25—aging like fine wine or more like milk?

Windows Package Manager

The Windows Package Manager is a tool creted to help you discover and install your favorite tools: winget install <tool>. Check out this post by Microsoft: Use the winget tool to install and manage applications

Windows Terminal 1.0

Check out the Announcement and the GitHub Repo.

Ubuntu Touch OTA Release

Ubuntu Touch Home:
Supported Devices:
Check out the Announcement

Unreal Engine 5 Revealed


You know the AWS CKD, right? CDK8s is a CDK for Kubernetes see on GitHub.

Tab groups in Chrome

Keep tabs on your tabs in Google Chrome