
Clamshell: 2020-08-09

Recent news in tech in a clamshell

Jonatan Ivanov
  • Falsehoods programmers believe about time
  • Java frameworks for the cloud: Establishing the bounds for rapid startups
  • Spring Boot: Developer Training
  • YOW! Workshop: Cloud Native Java
  • 14 Habits of Highly
  • Bypass your Linux firewall with SSH over HTTP
  • How to Secure Anything
  • Open Source Security Foundation
  • What is the best way to write a PRD?
  • bpytop

Clamshell: 2020-06-21

Recent news in tech in a clamshell

Jonatan Ivanov


  • Whats New in Spring Boot 2.3
  • AdoptOpenJDK joins to the Eclipse Foundation
  • Mozilla VPN
  • JDK 15 is now in Rampdown Phase One
  • A history of the Groovy programming language
  • Simple & effective G1 GC tuning tips
  • TornadoVM
  • 2020 Chrome Extension Performance Report
  • Piranha
  • AWS CloudFormation Guard
  • Spotify Backstage